miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2021

Describing people!

In 4ºA we have been learning lots of vocabulary to describe people and what they can do! 

We practised asking and responding to the question 'Can you....?' using this song. Have a listen and follow along with the actions!


We also learnt how to talk about things that belong to us using the verb 'have got' and the possessive pronouns (my/your/his/her/its/our/their). 

Have another go at this fun little Toy Story game (link below) and see if you can remember all the names of the toys we have looked at :)


In 5 Años we have been learning all about the family with this finger family song! We even made our own finger puppets (Daddy, Mummy, Brother, Sister, Baby) to sing along with!



Hello! My name is Hana and I am the English Language Assistant for this year (2021/2022). I am really looking forward to getting to know you all better over the coming months and I hope that we're able to have lots of fun together! Here's a presentation that tells you a little bit about me - enjoy :)